Monday 11 April 2011

I usually use those cheap hotel freebies for a Shower Cap but they don’t tend to last very long plus they are not stylish in anyway. I ask the question though is it even possible to look stylish in a shower cap!!  but sometimes practicality wins over aesthetics.
Here are the instructions to whip yourself up a shower cap.  It is not difficult at all and takes approximately 30 minutes to make.
Materials required:
Plastic for the underside of the shower cap (you could use any sort of plastic as long as it’s not too thick) if it bunches up easily its suitable. (Bubble wrap would even work, I used a plastic tablecloth).
Binding (to match your fabric) Cotton for Cotton, Satin for Satin.
Narrow elastic
Sewing Machine
Firstly cut the plastic into a circle with a  55cm-65cm diameter depending on head size to be fitted. 
Do the same with the external fabric.
Keep the two pieces together (making sure the right side of the decorator fabric is facing out).  Now attach the binding to the edge of the fabric pieces attaching to the plastic side first, overlap a little at the end so you have a neat finish.
Then flip and sew the binding to the fabric side (you can add any edging you wish at this point eg. Lace, small pompom trim etc). Be as creative as you wish!

Now it’s time to sew on the casing (bias binding) around the perimeter of the cap, which you will eventually thread your elastic into. Place this either on the inside of the plastic or the outside of the cap if you wish to make a feature of it. Measure in approximately 5cm to do this. Sew both sides of the casing close to the edge ensuring your elastic will fit through the casing.

Dada - complete.
It’s that easy.

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